
I want to bring robotic technologies into our daily lives. This includes field robots, making homes green through automation, rehabilitation agents, and assistive robots for industry and the home.

Contact Info

Kyle Strabala


I am currently working as a Robotics Engineer at NREC in Pittsburgh, PA. I am part of the core software team for CHIMP, our entry into the DARPA Robotics Challenge. My responsibilities include user interface design and implementation, perception, planning, and some systems work.


Lab Experiences

Other Work Experiences

I specialize in physical human-robot interaction. However, my interests and skills encompass robotic systems:

  • from mechanical design to motor control
  • from sensor interfaces to signal conditioning
  • from tele-operation to agency
  • from human tracking to human-robot interaction

In the sections below I present my work within the various sub-fields of robotics.




Actuation and Control


Machine Learning

Human Interfaces


User Studies

Misc. Programming

Robotics Publications

Other Publications

Robotics is really fun! That said, here are some other fun things I do in my spare time.